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Showing posts from 2009

Sound Renovation

Sound baffling panels have been installed 59% and already the difference is amazing. -- Posted from my iPhone

Greener Landscapes Greener Water

Dear Edward, I have met with the Santa Rosa City Utilities Dept. representative Jennifer Burke regarding the use of recycled water for our outdoor irrigation. Santa Rosa recognizes the need to conserve drinking water and to make good use of treated water if we are going to have a viable water future. This is a good way to overcome a lot of the drought potential we face as a community. The city plans to run a new recycled water line down Occidental Rd. in 2010 and this would be the time to hook up to it. There would be no cost to us for any of the new plumbing or the connection into our irrigation system, which involves adding another water meter. We would receive approximately a 10% discount on the recycled water flat rate fee and 5% discount on actual usage. Jennifer is going to get back to me with solid numbers in the near future. This program would be in keeping with our goal of supporting “green” living and the conservation of the earth’s resources. It will mean some record k...

Quilted covers

Our new cover for the beckstein created by the quilters of project sleepwarm... . Cool huh? from Christopher Fritzsche

Jim Thomason and Kelly Metcalf

Jim T is responsible for many of the images you see when browsing our bookstore online. He has served on the Pledge Gathering Team and photographed our Trustees for their formal pics. Kelly Metcalf has been serving at the Center since forever, in Youth and Family Ministry, on the Board, in the Education Ministry And just about anywhere help is needed.

New design

Thanks to Rev. Chris Michaels for suggesting face front display of books and for John, Martha, Jerry (am I missing someone?) for making it a reality. -- Posted from my iPhone

Strawberry ice cream

Served up by Rev. Joyce Duffala, Assistant Minister, to help recognize the hours of service contributed by so many! -- Posted from my iPhone

Who are these people?

Can you name these merry celebrators who are being honored at our annual sevites recognition event? Among them are finance committee members, singers in play, past Trustees, Grinton Chapel prayers and on and on. Who are they? -- Posted from my iPhone

President John Brown and Trustee Allan Yeager

Allan is unstoppable with his Seva. Behind the scenes with the new web project, admin office support, monthly inserts to the bulletin, library support and bookstore merchandising support are a few of his contributions. President John is a heart of gold on the Board, on time in charge present and organized. And you can find him sweeping the floors, vacuuming the bookstore, and giving the minister a pep talk when needed. -- Posted from my iPhone

Center for Spiritual Living this is Anne Gereau

Anne, one of our gracious volunteer receptionists weekly answering your calls. Thank you Anne. -- Posted from my iPhone

Martha McCabe and Linda Cook

Martha, Registrar to the Holmes Institute chats to "Cookie" who tirelessly assists in the accounting department, membership reception and weekly takes care of our announcement pages post production coordinating. And boy can she cook! -- Posted from my iPhone

Judy Brown

A surprise thank you party for volunteer Judy Brown for her dedication and support in Steppingstones Bookstore. What is in that package? -- Posted from my iPhone

Jan Davis and Bob Heart

Extaordinary sevites. It's impossible to list everything they do for the Center. Both have served on the Board of Trustees, Pledge Gathering Team, and have climbed roofs, packed boxes, painted and scrubbed. Sigh!

The Quilting Gang

The ladies are making a quilted cover for our new piano! Wow!

It's dirty work...

...but it's fun. Cleaning and sanitizing our fold up tables for use on Sundays and in classrooms during the week and in our Youth and Family prgram.

Education Ministry Bound for Success

Assembling the binders for the upcoming Education Ministry classes, Martha McCabe, Registrar, directs a happy force of volunteers.


Cleaning the Baseboards in the corridor on the way to our Infant Room.

Seva Galore

Cleaning Windows in the Reception Area and assembling the tags that go on our "welcome flower" for visitors on Sunday Mornings.

Joe fixing lights

Above our heads while we pray!

This image shows most of the AC units on the Sanctuary roof... they are covered with plastic to protect from overspray. The roof is already coated with a few layers of emulsion (asphalt & bentonite clay, etc).

What’s above the Social Hall?

this shows the Social hall roof and some of it's AC units gift wrapped :-)

Spraying “Chop”

This image shows some of the roofing crew spraying on the top layer of emulsion called "Chop". "Chop" refers to the mixture of emulsion and fiberglass that is chopped up at the distribution hose the applicator is holding. There is a fellow behind him carrying a 60lb case of coiled up fiberglass "rope" that he is feeding to the "chop" head that the applicator controls. The third guy is Philip, the owner of the company, who is very hands on in every step of the job. .... and behind him is another fellow who is tending the hoses and making sure of a continuous flow of emulsion.

Spreading “Chop”

Closeup of worker spreading "Chop"... notice the white fiberglass rope being fed into the chopper that is directly below the emulsion spraying hose. Our roof is covered with a matrix of emulsion, sheets of fiberglass, more emulsion, and then this layer of chop. In about 2 more weeks, when the emulsion has had a chance to dry, Tradewinds Roofing will come back to overcoat the whole roof with a Silver Latex solution to reflect the sun and protect the underlying layers. Jerry Cornacchio, Facility Manager Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa 707-546-4543 x 114, FAX 546-4548,


Tankers and pumps for the job

Roof Capsheet Buildup

Roof Renovation

Fiberglass & emulsion beginning Jerry 707-328-3146

Renovation Project - Acoustics Update

From: Paul Sarran Hi All, Just a short note to say that since I sent in our results promptly last week and had not heard back, I called to see what the status of our project is. Michael Adams, our rep, has been sick with the flu, and hence, has been out for several days. He was in briefly today and I just caught him by just a matter of moments. He has handed the data to the person who will be analyzing the data, Jordan, and Jordan will be getting back to us as soon as he does the analysis. The good news is that the project is actively going forward. That's all for now. See you all soon, Paul

Joyce Francis

Joyce Francis at Reception desk cheerfully greeting visitors to the center!

Acoustics Renovation Project update

HI All, Since time has passed, and our account got transferred to a new person because of internal changes, I decided to call Acoustic Sciences to find out what the status of our project was. I supposed it would have been tabled on the bottom of a long list. As it turns out, that was the case. I had a long and both chatty and professional talk with our rep. It turns out he grew up in Santa Rosa. He has fond memories of Santa Rosa, family here, and actually went skating here as a kid, so he knows the building, at least. the way it was. He gave me the information we need to proceed with the project -- a balloon burst test. I have arranged with Jerry to conduct the test this week. I will then send the data from the test to ASE. From this data, they will make some initial calculations to tame the sonic defects of the room. This is the initial functional phase of design. Then the next round of development will be to get input from all so that we can "voice" the room according to t...

jackie Biden in bookstore

Photos of Flea Market

Dear Edward, Guess what? There was someone at the Flea Market taking photos...Marissa Fitrakis! I have her permission to send these on to you. I had so many wonderful comments both from sale participants and from those who donated items!! It was a tremendous amount of physical labor for the Team, but we were all standing the next day, and feeling quite a bit of joy in our project and its success for all involved!!! Thank you for your kind words on Sunday, I will them on to the Team, the Team That Rocks!!!! Much love, Luanne

Sevite in Action

Here is Kelly dustmopping the Sanctuary.

Peace Pole

Susan Muir has sanded and refinished our Peace Pole. Thank you Susan for helping us beautify and maintain our property.

Pam Mathis at Reception desk

Keeping up with renovation, renewal and beautification depends on the host of Sevites (a term we've coined for volunteers at the Center, based on the Sanskrit word "Seva" for selfless service) who help us maintain the everyday vital functions of keeping the doors open. Our front desk reception is almost exclusively staffed by volunteers. Thank You.

Janet DePree

Janet is quietly painting her way around inside the church, one day a week. Today the Infant room... Every week it's another room or hallway. Thank you Janet.


This is Joe Martinez carrying the wall to the sound closet back stage. We had just cut it loose and he lifted it up and carried it about 8' to it's new location... Joe's motto, "Nothing's too heavy!"


Paul Sarran, mad scientist at work correcting problems with our electrical system.

Jan and Stephanie

Jan Davis & Stephanie Martin busy making room 3 one of the nicest in the building!


Cement slab we poured to repair the damage done by the very heavy garbage trucks. All the work was by done by Sevites Joe Martinez, Randy Urry & Tom McDermott. The 5 cubic yards of concrete was donated by Gary Arnold and the company he works for, Austin Creek Redimix. Jerry Cornacchio, Facility Manager Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa 2075 Occidental Rd. Santa Rosa, CA 95401 707-546-4543 x 114, FAX 546-4548,


Lynda Thompson hard at work painting room 3, our showcase classroom.