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Showing posts from February, 2011

Spirit Creek Clean-up and Spring Equinox Blessing

Sunday, March 20, 1 to 4 pm  FREE  All ages & abilities welcome! Meet at Spirit Creek, 2075 Occidental Rd, Santa Rosa in the north parking lot of the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa, 95401 To honor the season of new life, we'll enjoy singing with the Atchison familyā€”Pam, Ron, Patrick, and Lilaā€”followed by a sweet blessing ceremony by Sanna Rose, RScP. Stephanie Lennox, eco-educator, will lead our creek walk and clean-up for fun, hands-on learning and service. Pick from a variety of tasks and invite your friends and family.  Volunteers celebrate work well done with pizza donated by Roundtable Pizza and drinks donated by Oliver's Market . Bring gloves and water. Clean-up supplies are provided. Contact Michelle Keip at or 544-2673 for details. Co-sponsored by the Spirit Creek Stewardship of the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa & the Creek Stewardship Program of the City of Santa Rosa & the Sonoma County Water A...


James cleaning off the goo from old signs on the glass doors. Thank you James. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone