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Showing posts from August, 2013

Does the Sanctuary grand piano sound different to you laterly?

If so I can tell you why... A few months ago our piano technician, Beverly Wells, informed me that we might want to consider replacing the bass strings on our Yamaha grand piano that lives on the Sanctuary stage because the bass strings (which were original to this 40+ year old instrument) had lived out their useable life. They were pretty much "dead" as she put it. Now I know what a dead string sounds like on a guitar because I've had years of experience with that instrument - you have to replace guitar strings about every six months to a year - more often depending on how much you play. Dead guitar strings sound dull and "thunky" when you play them rather than full, round and "rich" in overtones. So I put the same ear to the piano and could hear what Beverly was talking about - the bass strings on the Yamaha did not sound full round or rich - they sound "thunky" and rather lifeless. So I asked Beverly how much does it cost to replace string...