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Showing posts from July, 2019

Featured Volunteer: Giving Intention Team

Who are the people who write 800 thank you notes every year to each person who completes a Giving Intention Form?  Who are the ones who collect our intentions, enter our data, and organize our annual pledge program?  The Giving Intention Team, a team of volunteers who work tirelessly all year long to come up with a dynamic and inclusive way to enroll us into the spiritual practice of circulation, to financially support our beautiful Center.   We get a card from them saying "Thanks form your Giving Intention Team."   This week we're saying thanks. Thanks TO our Giving Intention Team Dennis O’Rear, Jerry Huffaker, Bob Hart, Jan Davis, Stephen Hann, Chandra Farnsworth, Linda O’Rear Also on the team Dr. Edward Viljoen and Linda Hann, COO Here's a little background information on the work of your Giving Intention Team: The work of the Giving Intention Team is four-pronged: 1. To Acknowledge a. Through thanking those who s...

Featured Volunteers: Membership Assistance Team

The Membership Assistance Team is comprised of devoted volunteers who reach out to members who are experiencing temporary financial crises of one form or another. Along with one-time financial assistance paid to a third-party, such as hospital or mortgage company, complimentary prayer by a Practitioner is also offered. Since the October fires, this team has been very busy helping those in need. Blessings to Alicia Carroll, Janet DePree and Megan Rooney for their kind service.

Volunteer Appreciation BINGO, Dinner, and Dance!!!

WOOT!!!! It's that time of year again, where  The staff of the Center  come together to celebrate our amazing volunteers! Everyone had so much fun at last year's  BINGO  party,   we've  decided to do it again!   We will start earlier in the afternoon  On Saturday, September 14 at  4 PM and end earlier at 8 PM !  We will be having a delicious catered dinner   so you can keep up your strength and DANCE to The Core !!! Please come to the  Volunteer Table on Sunday's beginning August 4   to pick up your admission ticket and  fill out a Raffle Ticket ! This is going to be the best party yet!

Featured Volunteer Bette Smith

Bette Smith, RScP, first attended the Center in 1995 because two friends recommended it to her in the same week.  Like so many of us, she knew immediately she had found her spiritual home.  Bette became a Practitioner in 2002 and began assisting in classes. Bette has given her whole self, heart and soul, to many selfless service  projects including: work in the nursery, with Spirit in Nature, producing several Sufi dancing events with Tui, helping with food prep and serving meals for events, serving two years on the Practitioner Core, being part of a team bringing Rickie Byars and Agape Choir and house band to us for concerts, working in the bookstore, leading meditation, praying on platform and in Grinton Chapel, hosting Sunday services, helping update the Center’s Website, and recently helping with Sunday morning host scripts and PowerPoint slides.  Bette, we so appreciate you for the gifts of love given through your talents and time.