Thanksgiving 2010
Dear friends,
Last year I opened my Thanksgiving letter with these words, Our spiritual community at the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa is so alive, well, caring and active that sometimes I forget to pause to take in the magnificent splendor of our surroundings. Right now, as nature begins to display a variety of colors and the light begins to sharpen the shapes of ordinary objects, I notice that I have the privilege of walking, talking and moving in one of the most beautiful spots on earth. When I pause to breathe and take in the beauty of Sonoma County, I cannot help being filled with a feeling of appreciation that is so much a part of the season. Reading these words again reminded me to do the same this year, and to pause and appreciate our Center. I appreciate our staff, volunteers, trustees, prayer practitioners and you. Because of you, our Center is thriving. Thanks to our website, information sharing is at an all time high in effectiveness and availability. Thanks to our staff and volunteers we are keeping core functions alive and well. Thanks to our strongly diverse offering in programs and services we are serving hundreds of people. Thanks to our Radio and TV programming we are reaching a community beyond our walls. Thanks to our teaching, we are illustrating what a consciousness of unity does for individuals and thereby for our communities.
Every Thanksgiving eve, the Center for Spiritual Living community takes the opportunity to pause and contemplate our blessings at our Annual Thanksgiving Eve Service. After the 6:30 pm meditation in Grinton Chapel, we will gather in the sanctuary to enjoy the music of the One Heart Choir, Christopher Fritzsche, Claire Victor and our house band. I'm inviting you to take a well-deserved break so you can be with your extended family to appreciate each other, celebrate Spirit and give thanks with song and prayer. Let this Thanksgiving mark the beginning of a holiday season of peace and gratitude for you and your loved ones.
This beautiful season has within it other favorite and new traditions at our Center: our Annual Remembrance Service on Wednesday, December 8 is an opportunity for us to remember those who have passed in the preceding 12 months, our free Drop and Shop on December 18th (leave your children with us at 12:30 pm while you shop till 4:30 pm), the Annual Candle Lighting service on December 24 at 6 and 8 pm is a magical time of renewal through light and music; and on Christmas day, Rev. Ruth Barnhart will be offering a special Christmas Day Service. On December 31 join us for a Prayer Vigil and our Annual World Peace Meditation at 4 am.
Although Thanksgiving Day comes officially only once a year, at the Center for Spiritual Living we try to think of every day as an opportunity to give thanks. Please join me in celebrating that consciousness by affirming the prayer on the reverse side of this letter written by Rev. Diane Harmony.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, please consider using our online contribution to make a special holiday gift to your Center by clicking here.
I'm truly grateful to be part of your spiritual community and thank you for all you do.
Peace be with you,
Edward VIljoen
A Thanksgiving Prayer For You
During this mystical, magical season of Thanksgiving and love,
I know that the Spirit back of it all is all that there is.
I know that the Life in and through and as all beings,
is my Life,
and it is your Life.
We are all One, tabernacles of the Divine within.
How blessed I am to speak a word
of gratitude for you this Thanksgiving season.
How thankful I am to know the Truth of your being,
that you are the Light of the world, forever and always.
I claim for you this day appreciation that your light shines
in clarity and grace always, radiating out to you,
your families and all you meet as
Joy, Harmony, Peace, Generosity, Abundance and Prosperity,
Health and Vitality, Gratitude and LOVE.
I recognize in you the Divine Urge to glow for Good,
and I know that you blaze easily and effortlessly.
I know that every inspiration that moves through you
is fully illuminated with all that is necessary
for its manifestation into form.
I know where there appears to be any doubt, or fear
that you are guided to shine your attention on your intention
of Truth...
that there is only LOVE, and that you are Its channel.
I thankfully claim for you a deep awareness
That there is within you a Knower that knows,
whose guidance and direction you allow to lead you
out of any seeming darkness.
I am so grateful to speak these words for you,
I am grateful to know that I speak Truth.
I release this prayer now and allow Life to live Itself as you.
And so it is. AMEN.
Rev. Diane Harmony
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