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Showing posts from June, 2023

Jan Davis - Why I am Grateful

I often hear our Center described as “a spiritual community that promotes global transformation through personal transformation.” I know I’ve been personally transformed at the Center through the weekly messages, classes, and mostly through the path of volunteering. Volunteering has introduced so many wonderful people into my life and given me chances to share my talents. Even more than that, volunteering gives me opportunities to practice the spiritual tools I’ve learned, and so many opportunities to learn about being a better person in relationships. I am grateful for everything that volunteering has brought into my life, and deeply grateful for the actions of so many other volunteers who create the Center so I can be lifted up each week. Someone puts out the cones and signs in the parking lot well before I arrive on Sunday morning. Some loving voice answers the phone when I call. Someone cleans up the leaves in the parking lot. Someone takes care of the children. Someone creates...

Bob Hart - Why I Like to Volunteer

The first thing that comes to mind is, it’s fun.  I could stop right there but there is more.  Volunteering provided me the opportunity to be part of a team, to be engaged with others, working toward a common goal, sharing, cooperating, encouraging each other.  I found this to be true in all of the different volunteer positions, from being on the Board, being a member of the Giving Intention Team, on the Stewardship Team, jumping into the Nurturing Our Community program, and now coordinating the Art In the Center Program.  Even individual activities like pulling weeds, doing tasks for the maintenance department, or painting a room brought a deeper sense of being a part of our community. Volunteering has given me a deeper sense of belonging.   Much like my experience of watching services online during Covid and feeling like how great it was to be in the comfort of my home perfectly satisfied watching services on the wide screen tv, then coming back to in-person s...

Jacque Hansen - Why I Serve

I love to volunteer with a heartfelt intention of cultivating more possibilities in people's lives, and in the animal/plant kingdoms.......... more possibility of freedom, peace, love and respect.! Jacque Hansen, RScP.   Thank you Jacque for your heart of service and demonstrating the profound spiritual benefits of volunteering.   In a world often consumed by self-interest and materialistic pursuits, finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment can be a challenging endeavor. However, one powerful avenue that offers both personal growth and the opportunity to make a positive impact is volunteering. Beyond the practical benefits of volunteering, such as acquiring new skills or building a professional network, there are profound spiritual advantages that can nourish the soul. Engaging in selfless acts can bring about a transformative experience. When we immerse ourselves in the act of volunteering, we encounter various people from diverse walks of life, often facing chall...