Center Revenue Sources
The Center receives income from several sources. Here is a
visual picture of our revenue sources so far this year.
Of the contributions we receive, the vast majority come from
people who share their annual giving plan by completing a
Giving Plan Card.
Come to our Annual Membership Gathering on March 18,
2012 where we will have an in-depth financial update.
Renovation and Renewal Update:
Five years ago we established a long-range plan for the care of our
facility. With your support we have stayed on track to keep our Center robust and beautiful. Pictured here are volunteers completing the build-out of our stage area.
Upcoming Renovation Projects
Some of the things scheduled for the near future include…
Parking lot seal and stripe ......................... $31,000
Retile Sanctuary floor ............................... $60,000
Replace youth classroom wall divider ........ $6,000
Kitchen renovation...................................... $3,500
Longer range considerations are…
HVAC systems replacement ($160,000 over 4 years)
Repaint Sanctuary and Social Hall (To be estimated)
Goals for the Year
We learned in our Pledgers Forums that folks want to know
what our annual financial goals are. For 2012 our goals are
To receive Giving Plan Cards totaling $825,000 in Regular
Contributions representing 67% of our estimated
operating budget. This is a 3% increase over 2011 that we
feel can be easily achieved to cover our operating
expenses and replenish the Center’s savings.
To receive Giving Plan Cards totaling $60,000 in planned
giving for our Renovation Fund to continue the ongoing
renewal of our spiritual home.
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