Hello beloved colleagues,
Our new Parking Ambassador seva program is working. Demonstrations include but are certainly not limited to:
- NO vehicle break-ins since we started the program on December 3, 2012;
- A radical reduction of unwanted / suspicious activity in our parking lots; specifically ZERO incidences this year;
- Our Parking Ambassadors report gaining an increased sense of peace and acceptance of others;
- Congregants, class & workshops attendees, staff and visitors alike are increasing their practice of gratitude by saying “Thank you” to our Parking Ambassadors as they arrive and leave our Center;
- Increased and on-going education of our Parking Ambassadors and our Congregants, class & workshops attendees, staff and visitors alike to situational awareness and listening to our intuitive voice.
The Parking Ambassador seva created an abundance of opportunities for service to our Spiritual community. While the number of people volunteering for this seva is growing, many more are needed to fill all the coverage times.
I am reaching out to each of you and asking that you take this into your spiritual practice: prayer, mediation, visioning, etc.
If this calls to you come join us.
If you think this might call to someone else, have a conversation with them and send them our way.
If any information / awareness / guidance is revealed to you – share it with us.
At the very least, please know with us, in consciousness, that the volunteers we are seeking are already seeking us and that everything is coming together perfectly to support this program and the safety of our beloved spiritual community.
If you have questions, you can contact me directly at:
- Home: (707) 604-7580
- Cell: (707) 490-2240
- Email: Love-In-Service@comcast.net
(Note: I will be having knee surgery on Friday, February 15 so I might be unavailable or slow to respond for the first week after my surgery)
Blessings beloveds,
You can also direct questions to:
Evan Dow-Williamson, Facility Manager
- 546-4543 x114
- evan@cslsr.org
Jan Davis, Chief Operating Officer
- 546-4543 x101
- jan@cslsr.org
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