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Showing posts from September, 2022

What I Love About Being a Volunteer - Michele Taylor

"I enjoy volunteering because it makes me feel good! To feel truly appreciated when I volunteer at the bookstore or be a Sunday morning greeter, gives a sense of belonging. I am a newer member and it allows me to get to know more folks, connect with them and make friends. I always feel happy after helping by volunteering! I want to branch out and do more in the future." Michele Taylor

What I Love About Being a Volunteer - Kathryn Jurik

"Iā€™ve been here at the Center for a while. Iā€™ve been doing my kind of praying/playing in this building for at least 45 years. I skated here almost nightly up until a month or so before my first was born. But thatā€™s not why I volunteer. I volunteer for lots of reasons, and the reasons have changed through the years. Iā€™m just going to make a list of some of my motivations for volunteering. 1.     To get out of the house 2.     To be with positive people 3.     Because no one would pay me to do what I want to do 4.     Iā€™ve volunteered because Iā€™ve thought I was the only person who could do the job ā€˜rightā€™ 5.     I volunteer because I get to be creative 6.     I volunteer because I have time and I like to contribute 7.     Doing is one of my specialties 8.     Planning is another one 9.     I have achieved all I need through the grace of others going beyond...

What I Love About Being a Volunteer - Juanita Ortegon

  "The Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa is my spiritual home. I have learned so much about living from Love and who I am in my connection to the Living Spirit, that I desire to give back in ways that feed my soul. I am currently involved in the Sacred Services of pouring coffee and greeting our absolutely wonderful and loving congregants. Many of you may know me from these two ways of interacting with everyone. It gives me so much joy. It makes my heart sing. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve." Juanita Ortegon

What I Love About Being a Volunteer - David Hartranft

"When the Center finally reopened last year, it was such a joy to be able to attend live services again! One Sunday morning there was a call for volunteers for the video team, and I immediately knew this was a perfect way for an introverted, slightly nerdy technophile like me to serve. There was some trepidation at first, since my last experience with video production was decades ago, but that all melted away when I met the other team members, who welcomed me warmly and trained me on our equipment. I have come to enjoy all aspects of the job, from operating a camera to directing, and am grateful to be part of the amazing team upstairs. It is a privilege to have this birdā€™s eye view of the service as it all comes together, starting with the early morning band rehearsals, when the camera people choose the best shots and the director makes preliminary decisions about the live flow. A few minutes before nine, the anticipation builds as the sanctuary begins to fill with people. The mom...

Featured Volunteers: The CSLSR Jail Ministry

(The CSLSR Jail Ministry Team, from left to right:  Susan Bennett, Krista McAtee, Tamarya Hulme, Rosalie Sulgit-Shay, Pat Bryne, Kathleen Kearney) The CSLSR Jail Ministry Team visits people in the Sonoma County jail, usually making 50 visits each month, and often holds weekly online classes with 6-8 people. Inmates commonly spend twenty-three hours a day in their room, and some have been waiting their trial for up to four years. The Jail Ministry team shares spiritual tools, such as prayer, forgiveness, and what it means to live a heart-centered life. Listening is a big part of their work since oftentimes, the inmates simply need someone they can talk to who they trust.  This Ministry makes a hugely positive impact in the day to day lives of those who they serve. Here is some of the feedback they've received from inmates: "There is a lot of anger, worry, pain and suffering here in the jail.  When you guys stop what you are doing in your life and visit, you bring something...

What I Love About Being a Volunteer - Sue Robson

  "I love serving the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa through online prayer support. As a Practitioner in this community, I thoroughly enjoy sitting with others via phone or zoom (or even Facebook Messenger) and holding them in love and prayer as they navigate decisions or situations in their life. Going to prayer with or for someone is an honor and a joy and I am grateful to be available in this way.  During 2020, I moved physically from Santa Rosa to Brookings, OR. But due to the pandemic, I was able to step in and be there via zoom as a support to our Practitioner body and our congregants. As we edge out of the pandemic, I am still here and available for those who may need prayer or spiritual coaching via zoom or phone for those who may not be at the Center physically." With Love and a Grateful Heart,  Sue Robson, RScP

What I Love About Being a Volunteer - Chris Kelly

  "I enjoy volunteering at CSLSR because it allows me to be of service and to create community, as I am new.  I feel this is my home. I volunteer for the coffee service." Chris Kelly

What I Love About Being a Volunteer - Linda O'Rear

  "Volunteering on the Giving Intention Team is such a joy! We are an unstoppable bunch...even during the pandemic we zoomed our way through all our tasks. Our team loves thinking up ways to thank our beautiful community for all the love they give us in so many ways. It's a delight to consider our nonprofit partners and all the good they do in the world. It is so easy for me to give to our Center when I personally get so much in return." Linda O'Rear

What I Love About Being a Volunteer - Greg Summers

  "I am very grateful to put my IT background to use in assisting with the production of the live stream on Sunday.  Jeff Basham has been very patient and generous with his time in showing me the ropes.  The live stream is a wonderful option to enable people to remain connected with the Center if they are traveling, have moved, or even if they don't quite feel ready to come back in person. It's also been a wonderful educational opportunity to see how the service all comes together behind the scenes. It takes many hands and teamwork to make it happen.  Interestingly enough, it's the live stream that got me introduced to the center when we started watching in 2020. Since becoming an official member this year, jumping in and volunteering has been a great way to meet and connect with other members, volunteers, and staff. The center has provided a sense of peace for me and my family and the time I spend there in the congregation and as a volunteer deepens and enhances tha...