"I am very grateful to put my IT background to use in assisting with the production of the live stream on Sunday. Jeff Basham has been very patient and generous with his time in showing me the ropes. The live stream is a wonderful option to enable people to remain connected with the Center if they are traveling, have moved, or even if they don't quite feel ready to come back in person. It's also been a wonderful educational opportunity to see how the service all comes together behind the scenes. It takes many hands and teamwork to make it happen.
Interestingly enough, it's the live stream that got me introduced to the center when we started watching in 2020. Since becoming an official member this year, jumping in and volunteering has been a great way to meet and connect with other members, volunteers, and staff. The center has provided a sense of peace for me and my family and the time I spend there in the congregation and as a volunteer deepens and enhances that feeling, for which I am deeply grateful. When I'm not volunteering or working, I enjoy cooking, helping my wife in the garden, doing a bit of homeschooling with my daughter, reading, taking classes, and spending time with our 2 dogs and a rabbit."
Greg Summers
Thank you Greg!